Luther Rice University

Luther Rice University

Luther Rice Seminary & University is a private Christian college and seminary in Lithonia, Georgia, part of Metro Atlanta. The school was founded in 1962 by Robert Gee Witty in Jacksonville, Florida. It has an enrollment of about 1,600 students. Through the university and seminary the institution offers bachelor, master's, and doctoral degrees in leadership, counseling, apologetics, Christian worldview, Christian studies, and Christian ministry.

Luther Rice runs online course delivery and online degree programs. It also claims to have high-profile graduates (e.g., Charles Stanley, Jerry Vines, John Ankerberg, Fred L. Lowery, Dorothy Patterson, Stephen Olford and other well-known evangelical preachers, such as Larry Lewis, a former president of Hannibal-LaGrange College in Hannibal, Missouri). LRU specializes in external and distance education. LRU is listed under "The Best Alternative Programs/Nontraditional Education" in the Comprehensive Guide to the Best Colleges and Universities in the United States, published by the American Council for University Planning and Academic Excellence (ACUPAE).

Read more about Luther Rice University:  History, Accreditation

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