Luther Rice University - History


Robert Gee Witty and five other pastors founded Luther Rice Seminary in 1962 in Jacksonville, Florida. The school was founded to meet the needs of pastors and Christian leaders who could not quit their jobs and uproot their families to go away to seminary. From the beginning Luther Rice Seminary focused on distance education and external Christian education. Luther Rice now delivers distance education through online studies. Most degrees are available completely through online studies.

The State of Florida granted the school's charter on June 14, 1962. Dr. Witty was elected President of the college in 1970, a position he held until 1982, when he retired to become Chancellor. In May 1993, Dr. James Flanagan became president of Luther Rice Seminary. He holds an earned doctorate (Ph.D.) from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

In August 1991, the college moved from Florida to its current location in Metro Atlanta, Georgia.

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