Xenosaurus Grandis - Location and Environment

Location and Environment

There are 5 major population areas for the Xenosaurus grandis in Southern Mexico and Guatemala: central Veracruz, southern Oaxaca, north-central Oaxaca, the highlands of central Chiapas, and central Guatemala. The separate population areas have given rise to 5 subspecies of X. grandis. The 5 subspecies are grandis, agrenon, arboreus, rackhami, and sanmartinesis. All these subspecies live exclusively in rock crevices, which allows them to live in many habitats, including: xerophytic vegetation, tropical rainforests, cloud forests, oak forests, and tropical deciduous rainforests. The lizards have strong attachments to where they live, only living in 1-2 rock crevices for 95% of their entire lives.

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